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Bexar County Divorce Lawyer

Aggressive Bexar County Divorce Lawyer

Bexar County Divorce Lawyer

The Kriebel Law Firm, PLLC prides ourselves on our experience and dedication to the the family law experience. Divorce is a hard time in your life.  The tone and personality of your divorce lawyer can make or break your divorce case.  When a divorce is predicted to have high tensions and conflict, it is important to have an aggressive family law attorney that you can trust.

Why is an aggressive attorney important?

You do not always want to be on the defense. You want a divorce lawyer that can utilize different aspects of the law to get you what could be considered fair or equitable. Oftentimes, having an attorney with the passion and experience to match your desires will make all the difference in your satisfaction with the divorce case.

Kriebel Law Firm, PLLC, will make sure to set attainable goals and desires for you with your divorce. Kriebel Law Firm, PLLC will always be upfront with you on what is possible, what’s not possible, and what can possibly be fought for. 

High conflict divorces are NO FUN. Jacqueline Kriebel can help you make the most out of a bad situation.

Don’t just read the blogs. Don’t just surf the internet. Call today to find the most successful solution for yourself to bring peace of mind during your Bexar County Divorce.

What is alimony? What is spousal support? What is spousal maintenance?

Spousal Support in Texas

One of the most frequently cited reasons why a person may attempt to delay a divorce has to do with their finances. When you are not working and instead are reliant upon your spouse and their income to pay the bills then a divorce can be an intimidating issue to face. Rather than moving forward with a divorce that you know is necessary, you may simply be delaying the inevitable due to feeling financially bound to your spouse. 

This is not a new development. For years, spouses (mostly wives) who did not work were left in a precarious position when it came to wanting to move forward with a divorce. On the one hand, you could file for divorce but suffer in the short term due to a lack of income. Your bills don’t come to an end just because you file for divorce. Or, you could delay the divorce only to suffer through a bad marriage. Neither option was ideal by any means. 

In 1995 The Texas Legislature changed the course of family law and how it is practiced by codifying a law regarding spousal maintenance. The law would allow for Texas family court judges to be able to order spousal maintenance in certain circumstances. We will go through what those requirements are and what it can mean for you to be ordered to receive or pay spousal maintenance. However, I would also like to share with you some thoughts on how likely you are to receive spousal maintenance in your case. 

Your Bexar County Divorce Lawyer

How can you be ordered to receive spousal maintenance?

Spousal maintenance is a needs-based consideration for the judge. Your income will be judged against your expenses each month. If it is determined that you cannot meet the minimal requirements to keep your head above financial water, then that is a good start to being able to receive spousal maintenance. Your minimal, basic needs are what the judge will look to. This means rent, food, clothing, gas for your vehicle, and not much else. 

You will notice that this does not mean that you are going to be able to live exactly how you used to in the manner that you had become accustomed to living, in other words. Spousal maintenance is not about maintaining a certain lifestyle. Rather, it is about subsistence. If you can’t afford the basics in life without financial assistance from your spouse, then you can have spousal maintenance ordered in your case. 

The other side of the coin on this issue is that your spouse must be able to afford to pay you the spousal maintenance. If he or she has no income that can be used to pay your spousal maintenance, then it will not be ordered.  This is why it is so crucial for you and your spouse to be able to submit detailed accountings to the judge of your household budget. Any mistake one way or the other could determine whether spousal maintenance is ordered in your case.

The next requirement that you need to bear in mind when it comes to having spousal maintenance issued in your case is the length of your marriage. You and your spouse would need to have been married for at least ten years for a judge to order spousal maintenance. Depending upon the length of your marriage, you may be entitled to even more spousal maintenance in terms of duration. Most spousal maintenance awards do not last any longer than seven years.

 If you and your spouse have been married for fewer than 10 years then you are most likely not able to receive spousal maintenance in a divorce. However, there are some exceptions to this rule that we can go through right now. The first exception would be if your spouse has been charged with domestic or family violence crimes within two years before your divorce is filed. In that case, you may yet be able to receive spousal maintenance even if you and your spouse have not been married for 10 years.

Next, a court could look at a circumstance involving disability for you or your child and award your spousal maintenance. If you are unable to work because you are disabled, then you may be able to have spousal maintenance ordered to be paid to you in your divorce. Likewise, if you are the caregiver for a child who is disabled, and you are unable to work because of needing to care for that child then you could be awarded spousal maintenance in your divorce.

When it comes to being able to prove a disability or a disabling condition that prevents you from working, sometimes things are less obvious to your spouse or a family court judge than they are to you. In that case, you and your attorney need to be diligent about how you prepare to present evidence to a family court judge if you are trying to assert that you or your child is disabled. Testimony from a doctor or other medical witness may be necessary. For example, a medical professional like a nurse, social worker, or even certified nurse’s assistant may be helpful when it comes to being able to provide evidence to a judge that you or your child are disabled.

Having your documentation in order as far as being able to submit medical records or statements from government entities to certify a disability is also important. You may have had to turn these documents over to your spouse as a part of the discovery. Either way, this should not be something that you leave up in the air until the morning before mediation. Rather, you and your attorney should be working on this step of the process long before you reach a point where there is a hearing, trial, or mediation date upcoming.

These are the basic grounds for spousal maintenance in Texas. Spousal maintenance is something that can only be awarded by a family court judge. Even then, it can be difficult to be awarded special maintenance. You should have a plan in place as far as how to put your best foot forward when it comes to presenting a case as to why you should be paid special maintenance. Simply hoping for the best or not preparing as diligently as possible in this regard can be disastrous if you hope to be paid spousal maintenance because of your divorce.

Is there a presumption against spousal support in Texas?

Now that we have discussed why you may be able to receive an award of spousal maintenance in your Texas divorce, we should also discuss what may be working against you in terms of being awarded this important divorce benefit. Most Texas courts will begin with the assumption that you do not need to be paid spousal maintenance. It is only after you can show that it is a necessity for you that a family judge will order that your spouse pay you spousal maintenance for any length of time.

It is not as if a family court judge will look at your circumstances and say that it sure would be nice for you to receive an award of spousal maintenance on top of any child support you also receive or how your community estate was divided. How your community estate is divided can play a role in determining how much spousal maintenance you receive, if any. Depending upon the size of your community estate as well as the way that the community estate was divided, a judge may instead decide that because your estate was divided in a way to provide you with liquid assets that can be sold to support you after your divorce that you may not need any spousal maintenance at all.

Even if you are awarded spousal maintenance in the divorce, it likely will not be a situation where you are paid the maintenance on an ongoing basis into the future. Rather, even marriages that have lasted for more than 30 years rarely see spousal maintenance ordered for longer than 10 years at a time. If you suffer a disability, or your child does, it is possible that a family court judge would even order you to return to court at a certain date to determine whether or not that disability persists for you or your child. This way your spouse will not have to pay you spousal maintenance for an indefinite period based on a disability that may or may not exist in the future.

Is there a limit to how much spousal maintenance can be awarded

If you are awarded spousal maintenance the amount that you will be determined based on what you contributed to your marriage. For stay-at-home parents and spouses, you can breathe easier knowing that contributions at the home count in this calculation. When you think about helping the kids with their homework, preparing meals, cleaning the home, coordinating all upkeep and maintenance, and transportation for the kids your efforts at home do have a tangible value in terms of dollars. 

It is also crucial for the judge to consider your spouse’s ability to pay the spousal maintenance. Both of you would have to submit a detailed financial account, basically a budget, to show the judge what your monthly expenditures and income are. If your spouse doesn’t have the extra cash in their budget to pay you spousal maintenance, then the judge will not order it. Something about it’s easier to get blood out of a turnip than it is to get money out of a person who doesn’t have it, as my grandpa used to say. 

As we mentioned at the beginning of today’s blog post, some considerations need to be made as far as the criminal history of your spouse. If your spouse would be in a position where he or she would have to pay spousal maintenance and has been a pattern of violent behavior in the home, then the judge may use this as an opportunity to compensate you for having gone through violence in the home previously. 

There are limits to what you can be paid in spousal maintenance. The award of spousal maintenance cannot go beyond 20 percent of your spouse’s income or $5,000 per month. This is true even if you have no income yourself, live in an expensive part of town, or anything in between. Remember- spousal maintenance is not intended to help allow you to live a certain lifestyle that you had become accustomed to during your marriage. 

Bexar County Divorce Attorney


Aggressive. Experienced.

Bexar County Divorce Attorney

  • Experienced.
  • Aggressive.
  • Professional.
  • Fair.

Bexar County Divorce Lawyer

An Aggressive Attorney that Fights for Your Rights

Are you currently searching for Bexar County Divorce Lawyer ? If so, you’ll likely be interested in the services that Kriebel Law Firm, PLLC has to offer. With decades of experience, we’ve come across all types of divorce cases.

Experienced, Result-Oriented Bexar County Attorney

Dealing with cases such as divorce proceedings involves a great deal of work. Furthermore, the experience of your attorney can really make the difference in terms of getting the results you want. Fortunately, Jacqueline Kriebel has managed to assist clients through some complex, high-conflict divorce cases. This extensive experience in Texas divorce law will prove very useful in cases such as:

  • Comprehensive divorce planning
  • Both uncontested and contested divorce cases
  • Temporary orders
  • Appealing court orders
  • Post-divorce relocation
  • Prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements
  • Military divorce
  • Mediation
  • Paternity tests
  • Protective orders
  • Child custody and child support
  • Marriage annulment
  • Financial stability, filing for bankruptcy, and division of assets and debts

Bexar County Divorce Attorney For Men

Bexar County Divorce Attorney For Men

Aggressive. Experienced.

Bexar County Divorce Attorney

  • Experienced.
  • Aggressive.
  • Professional.
  • Fair.

Bexar County Divorce Attorney for Men

An Aggressive Attorney that Fights for Your Rights

Are you currently searching for Bexar County Divorce Lawyer for Men? If so, you’ll likely be interested in the services that Kriebel Law Firm, PLLC has to offer. With decades of experience, we’ve come across all types of divorce cases.

Our law firm provides collaborative law services for family law matters regarding divorce, such as spousal support, custody and visitation, property division, and cases regarding these matters. Our experienced divorce lawyer,  Kriebel Law Firm, PLLC, has vast experience as a family law attorney in Bexar County and the surrounding areas. Above all, our law office aims to use our experience as we help clients in and around Bexar County. 

Regardless of what the circumstances are, divorce cases can be very stressing. Additionally, divorce cases can be very complex in some instances. As such, divorce proceedings are best handled with an experienced divorce attorney by your side. Ms. Kriebel has helped countless clients in the Texas find comprehensive resolutions to their divorce cases. We pride ourselves in providing great results alongside exceptional client support. When you choose Kriebel Law Firm, PLLC, you’re betting on vast experience, a great work ethic, and a consistent and rigorous commitment to excellence. We look forward to hearing from you and finding the best path forward for your particular case.

Bexar County Divorce Lawyer

Bexar County Divorce Lawyer

Sometimes, not everything works out. Regardless of the reason, divorce is a complex, painful, and stressful process. When seeking a divorce here in Bexar County, you need a divorce lawyer that will advocate for your best interests. By turning to the law office of Jacquelline Kriebel, you will gain the services of a family law firm that will work to get you the best divorce settlement and best San Antonio divorce lawyers possible.

With years of experience and the ability to be as aggressive as you need, Jacquelline Kriebel is the Bexar County Divorce Lawyer that you need to ensure the best outcome to your  family law matter.